




About MREA


What is the Montana Retired Educators Association?
The Montana Retired Educators Association is an association of retired educators whose purpose is to promote the professional, social and economic welfare of all retired school employees.

MREA members connect to fellow educators at the national, state and local levels. Once you are an MREA member at the state level, you are encouraged to join your local MREA unit as well as NRTA: AARP's Educator Community.

Many local units have adopted the motto of Dr. Ethel Percy Andrus, founder of NRTA and AARP, "To serve, not to be served."

MREA state and local units work to promote and honor continued involvement of school retirees in community service and leadership roles in their local communities.

Currently, there are about 800 retirees in 10 units across Montana with an expansion program in place.


Join Us!


MREA is part of NRTA, AARP's Educational Community. MREA strengthens retirement by advocating for pensions, providing benefits and connecting members.


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